Five Fat Finds #1

For many of us transforming the way that we understand our bodies takes a lot of work. Thank goodness for the internet – it’s all at the end of a click. I’m aiming to share 5 new links each week.

  1. Living in between fat and thin by Lauren Bride on The Walrus – if you haven’t read Roxanne Gay’s Hunger, you will definitely want to after reading this essay.
  2. David Jones under fire for apologising to fan who posted controversial Facebook post by Jenna Clark on Sydney Morning Herald – not specifically about ‘fat’, but definitely about ‘the body’ from the perspective of race and body and representation diversity.
  3. Dear Fitness Professionals: You cannot help POC with fitness and wellness while remaining silent on racism by Chrissy King – again, we look at the race and body. Inseparable.
  4. (On Facebook) The No-Diet Notebook’s share of a post by Love Your Body Project: Pace, Love and Food – I love the idea of a non-scale victory, reinforcing the idea that loving your body is not about changing your size or shape. Here is the quote from the image: “Most people assume that the whole point of working out in the first place is to get leaner or thinner. This is not always the case, nor does it need to be. It’s okay to exercise for reasons other than changing body composition or weight.”
  5. She let Go (Poem) by Rev. Safire Rose on Elephant Journal – a lovely piece reminding us that it’s okay to just let it go.

Hope you enjoy these Five Fat Finds.

Cheers, Leesa